Account Side Panel

This side panel gives you access to your account, app updates, support and information, and terms and conditions.

If you are logged in, you are able to share access to your UIS™ controller if it is WiFi enabled. You can also change your password, adjust privacy settings to toggle analytics information bug report sharing, as well as email marketing. You may also delete your account entirely here. Please note the account that you create and log into the app is different from the account you use to shop AC Infinity products.

While your mobile device will notify you of any app updates, you can also check for them here where it will display the app's update status. If an update is available, it will redirect you to the App Store or Play Store for you to download and apply the app update.

The support section will open the AC Infinity website for you to browse our latest innovations in growing, as well as link you to our guides that will teach you how to use your UIS controller, the app, and how to start your first grow
